Oliver Wight’s new white paper, How Good Is Your Sales and Operations Planning/Integrated Business Planning Process?, by James Correll and George Palmatier, contends that the magic to successful S&OP/IBP is that regular, routine realignment and synchronization of all functional plans brings simultaneous improvement in those functional areas and that many organizations are not getting the available bottom-line results from the process. The authors present a 10-question survey that enables assessing the quality of a company’s S&OP/IBP process. Each question is scored on a scale from 0 to 5, and readers can tally their own score to judge the health of their S&OP/IBP process. The point system is based on the authors’ more than 35 years of experience, as well as the results of numerous independent surveys. Correll and Palmatier explain the point ranges and the organizational impact at each level.