Wilson Stefano, Jr.

Wilson Stefano Jr., a principal with Oliver Wight since 1998, has over 38 years of “hands-on” experience in the manufacturing industry. He began his professional career in 1979 in the automotive industry.

He has coached management teams during the journey to business excellence in the development and execution of the plans to achieve “Class A Business Excellence” and embrace sustainable high performance and profitability. Most recently, the improvement efforts he facilitated with his clients, Kimberly-Clark and Henkel Mexicana AC Division, concluded in Integrated Business Planning & Management Best Practices including Advanced S&OP (IBP) and ISCM.

Stefano specializes in the integrated business model that includes Integrated Business Planning (Advanced S&OP) and Integrated Supply Chain Management – best practices. He supports organizations in Brazil and Latin America in the assessment, implementation, and continuous improvement of their integrated business management processes that include: Strategic Planning; S&OP – Sales and Operations Planning/IBP – Integrated Business Planning; the Product Management process; Demand Management and Supply Planning; the business improvement process which includes lean manufacturing; and Supplier Relationship Management.

Stefano’s degree is in Business Administration with a specialization in Business Management. He also holds a Master’s degree from UNICAMP, where he is also a researcher.

Some of the articles he has authored include: Sustainable High Performance and Profitability; S&OP – Sales and Operations Planning; the impact in the Integrated Business Management/O Impacto do S&OP na Gestão Integrada do Negócio (Stefano Jr, 2009, Mundo Logistica, Brazilian magazine); How to Drive the Organization to Sustainable High Performance and Profitability/Como Direcionar as Organizações Rumo ao Alto Desempenho Sustentável e à Lucratividade (Stefano Jr, 2010, Mundo Logistica Brazilian magazine), and Integrated Supply Chain Management (ISCM): A Arte Perdida/Gestão Integrada da Cadeia de Abastecimento: A Arte Perdida (Stefano Jr, 2013, Mundo Logística Brazilian magazine). He frequently speaks at events in Brazil: SAP FORUM; Supply Chain Council, and FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

Resources Authored by Wilson Stefano, Jr.


Sustainable High Performance and Profitability

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