Companies must develop or restore competency in Integrated Planning and Control to achieve and maintain an industry leadership position. Recently, Oliver Wight has seen far too many companies lose customer confidence and bottom-line results because they have let the basics go by the wayside. Integrated Planning and Control is the process that links the company together but has become a lost art. Properly applying Integrated Planning and Control (IPC) improves operational performance, customer service, and the financial bottom line. The benefits of increased on-time delivery, inventory reduction, safety stock reduction, increased productivity, and procurement cost savings can be the difference between “best-in-class performance” or “life and death.” For over 40 years, Oliver Wight business improvement specialists have assisted companies in achieving significant measurable results in their process change and improvement efforts. Those companies that achieve a performance level of excellence in their processes receive Oliver Wight Class A recognition.
Determine the root cause of poor performance and accountability for corrective actions

Oliver Wight’s coaching, mentoring, and educating services in the area of Integrated Planning and Control include identification of disconnects in the planning processes and closing those gaps resulting in:
- Improved financial performance
- Improved customer service
- Optimized inventory
- Improved efficiency in the factory and all the support organizations
- Accurate capacity plans for manufacturing and suppliers
- Accurate planning data
- Improved distribution planning reducing inventory while improving customer service
- Logistics planning that improves delivery performance while reducing costs
- Reduced lead times throughout the supply chain
Use a proven methodology
Using a proven knowledge transfer methodology, Oliver Wight coaches and educators work with executives and managers to develop an executive-level aggregate planning process that extends over a 24-month planning horizon. As described in the Integrated Business Planning Model, all functional plans are aligned, gaps are detected between the latest projections and the company’s plans, and actions are identified to close gaps, minimize risk, and leverage opportunities in the marketplace. Companies will be able to identify problems that will occur in the future and then have ample time to correct them in the most effective way. Inadequate detailed planning processes can have a rippling effect throughout the supply chain. Jim Correll outlines in his white paper, Integrated Planning and Control, the challenges that many companies face and steps that can be taken to turn those challenges into rewards. Watch a webcast to hear discussions on IPC and recommendations for improvements. Jim has co-authored several books and instructs some of the many Oliver Wight courses that are geared to teach companies how to step beyond the day-to-day operating deficiencies that have a major impact on the company and the supply chain.
Start the journey to Integrated Planning and Control; consider a Diagnostic Review for Integrated Planning & Control. Oliver Wight principals and your executives and managers can develop a winning plan. Contact an Oliver Wight representative for additional details.