The Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence

FEDEX debug mode is on - to hide these messages, turn debug mode off in the settings.
Business Address
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The Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence


SKU: fcb594747022 Category:


The sixth edition of the Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence now embraces every part of the business to be pursued for total excellence. Additionally, it now requires a demonstrated superior business performance for the coveted Class A Certification. Class A is the longest-standing Excellence Award of international repute. It recognizes the efforts of your people and can be used with clients and customers to prove your efforts on their behalf.

Its chapters align with core business processes and the enablers of those processes, covering the entire business. There are nine chapters describing latest practical and proven best practices. The four priority chapters describing the processes and practices that enable the whole business to be excellent:

Strategic Planning
Managing and Leading People
Driving Business Improvement
Integrated Business Planning

These support five further chapters that address the prime processes in most organizations, managing:

Products & Services
Supply Chain
Internal Supply
External Sourcing

It is aimed toward listing what “excellence” is; thus each person in your company knows what he must contribute in order for the company to become excellent. Its scoring method allows you to visualize and measure progress toward excellence in every part of the business.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 8 × 11 × 2 in