ERP: Making It Happen

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ERP: Making It Happen


SKU: 88c33c67a8a4 Category:


This book is a highly practical, comprehensive guide to implementing and managing Enterprise Resource Planning. It outlines the critical challenges, opportunities, and a proven implementation strategy to successfully implement and manage with ERP.

Author Thomas F. Wallace — an early pioneer of MRP II who has been instrumental in helping dozens of companies manage successful implementations — has packed his book with planning advice and ideas for developing a successful implementation game plan and integrating ERP with your operation. He shows you how to launch ERP from a management perspective as well as on a company-wide basis. He also presents a “Quick Slice” approach to implementing ERP in just one area of your operation, which both offers opportunity for early success as well as lays groundwork for an eventual broader-based implementation.

ERP: Making it Happen also includes advice on managing ERP over the long haul to ensure that your company’s overall operations reap the maximum benefit from the system.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 8 × 11 × 2 in

Thomas F. Wallace and Michael H. Kremzar